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Staff Appreciation Afternoon
Start Time
Wed, 05/01/2024 - 02:00 PM
End Time
Staff Appreciation Flyer

This year’s staff appreciation afternoon provides the opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation for all the hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment throughout the year from our staff and service professionals. You have contributed significantly to the success and vibrancy of our departments, centers, units, and OFFICEs. The time has come to recognize those efforts!

Please mark your calendars and RSVP by April 12th,  so we can celebrate you, with an afternoon filled with delightful light bites, fantastic fun, and a touch of friendly competition!

Upon receiving your RSVP, you will be sent additional information and activities you can choose to participate in leading up to the event. Some of these activities can be completed in the OFFICE, and some during the event on May 1st. This year promises to bring more fun, interactive, hands-on activities and recognition opportunities! Additionally, we are excited to announce and honor this year's Outstanding Staff and Everyday Hero award winners.

To nominate a staff member for either of these awards, click here.

We eagerly anticipate celebrating your accomplishments and acknowledging your invaluable contributions within your OFFICE and in the larger College and SBS community.

Thank you once again for your outstanding service and we look forward to celebrating YOU!