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Teaching in SBS

Download this introductory presentation that covers SBS instructional resources and campus resources for both teaching and student success.

Introduction to Teaching in SBS

Instruction-Related Policies

Teaching Resources

  • Office of Instruction and Assessment 
    Individual consultations, group workshops, and demonstrations in development and design of courses (in-person, hybrid, and fully online), curricular programs, and instructional strategies; course and program assessment and evaluation; and the use of technology and multimedia.
  • University Libraries
    Offers technology lending, study and meeting rooms, streaming video, academic search tools, plus consultations on developing course materials, open textbooks, and more.
  • Office of Student Computing Resources
    Operates computer lab and gear-to-go equipment lending program.
  • Disability Resource Center
    Works with instructors to create course delivery methods that are inherently accessible to reduce the need for individual accommodations. 
  • Calendar of Religious Holidays
    Be aware of all religious holidays that could affect students' work and availability

Student Support & Well-Being

  • SBS Advising Team
    Every student at the UA has a professional academic advisor. You are always welcome to refer students to their advisors, and/or to contact advisors directly with a concern.
  • Dean of Students
    Handles violations to the codes of academic integrity and student conduct and with disruptive and threatening behaviors. The office also has Coordinators of Student Advocacy and Assistance. They are a fantastic resource when you are concerned about student well-being.
  • Campus Health Counseling and Psych Services (CAPS) 
    Licensed professionals provide psychological and psychiatric services to UA students, faculty and staff.  Expertise includes dealing with anxiety, crises, depression, relationship difficulties and family problems, food/body image concerns, addiction, and learning disabilities.
  • Title IX 
    Title IX forbids sex discrimination in all university student services and academic programs including, but not limited to, admissions, financial aid, academic advising, residential life, athletics, discipline, recreational services, health, wellness, and support services, and academic assignments and grading. A compilation of information which assists students, employees and other members of the UA community is available on through the UA's Office of Institutional Equity.

Contact Us

Need help with instruction or student-related matters? Get in touch with the SBS Academic Affairs & Student Success team.